Installing Sonic Shock 5
(Standard Sensor & Anchor Point Sensor)
Watch the video....just 50 seconds!
Your first time? 30 minutes. Second time? 10 minutes.

Where should I put it?
• Right on your equipment. Force thieves to carry the alarm
• Flat surface. Not "almost flat"
• Not blocking ventilation
• If painted metal, sand/grind off paint. Our glue is stronger than the paint bond.
• Flat surface. Not "almost flat"
• Not blocking ventilation
• If painted metal, sand/grind off paint. Our glue is stronger than the paint bond.

How much glue? Use 1/4 of the 25 ml cartridge. Sometimes our distributors supply a different size cartridge. Check it!

Mix REALLY WELL. Then mix a bit more. The glue smells weird and strong, but it's relatively harmless – the same material is used surgically to glue bones, and in dentistry to bond dental work. The smell goes away as soon as the glue sets – a few minutes.

On the underside of each end there's a ridge about the thickness of 8 sheets of paper. Spread the glue between these (but skip the adhesive strip running in the middle of the plate).Try to put more towards the center of the plate, less towards the end ridges.

Remove the backing from the adhesive strip in the middle of the plate, and press the plate down firmly. This is so the ridges mentioned above set the plate to a precise height. (The glue actually needs a bit of a gap to work best.)

IMPORTANT – else your alarm won't fit
Scrape away excess. With experience you can use less glue, but be sure you cover the entire bottom of the plate.

Important - else your alarm won't fit
Clear away any excess under the ledges on both ends. Our box cardboard is the perfect thickness for this.

Wait 10 minutes!!
....before you attach the alarm box. If you rush and mount the alarm before the glue has set, you'll NEVER get it off again. Fill the time doing steps 8, 9, and 10.

Capture something fixed or hard to move.

One end of the long cable plugs in here. The other end will plug into the alarm.

If what you need to capture is bigger than the small loop, then make a lasso like this.
Have at least 7 minutes elapsed since gluing the plate?
Then follow this sequence left to right.

Plug in the free end of the long cable.

The key both physically locks the alarm onto the mounting plate and arms the alarm. You can test it if you want – just unplug any of the sensor connections. Have the key ready – once triggered, only a key will shut down the siren.